Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Isnin, 1 Mac 2010

my besday!!!

1 March 2010..is a very special day in my life..genap 25 thn aku dilahirkan..actually kalo dikira bulan islam...umur aku dah menjangkau 25 thn 11 bulan 7 hari..huaaaaaa..xlame lg jek nak masuk 26 thn..tu bulan islam la...hehehe..anyway..nothing to worried about this number..Old age isn't so bad when u consider the alternative.haha..tua sgt ker??? baru jek masuk suku abad OK!! hehe..
hari ni..my officemate wat suprised party for me..hehe..tQ dude..terharu rasenye..
mcm2 dorg wat..antara menunye:
ni haa..agar2 cocktail by chef dhati (p/s: berjaya gak akhirnya korang wat agar2 =P )

bihun goreng by chef yati..hahaha..msti ko bgn awal nk masak ni kan??
one of my fav cake frm Secret Recipies..Indelgence..TQ ols..i'm loving it..
satu lg menu from mr jemi..nuget RAMLY i think..haha..i noe u can cook bro..cayalah..nuget plng laku thn ini..kehkehkeh..emm pewut p0n sudah kenyang..rase malash giler mau keje..hahaha..

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